Size Unit Dimensions
in is
0.210 x 0.297

Measurements Of A Series Paper Sizes In Different Units

The tables below give the dimensions of the A series paper sizes in a selection of units

A Paper Sizes in Metres, Centimetres, Millimetres and Micrometres

This table gives width x height for A series paper sizes in metric including micrometres, millimetres, centimetres and metres in portrait orientation.

4A01682000 x 2378000 μm1682 x 2378 mm168.2 x 237.8 cm1.682 x 2.378 m
2A01189000 x 1682000 μm1189 x 1682 mm118.9 x 168.2 cm1.189 x 1.682 m
A0841000 x 1189000 μm841 x 1189 mm84.1 x 118.9 cm0.841 x 1.189 m
A1594000 x 841000 μm594 x 841 mm59.4 x 84.1 cm0.594 x 0.841 m
A2420000 x 594000 μm420 x 594 mm42.0 x 59.4 cm0.420 x 0.594 m
A3297000 x 420000 μm297 x 420 mm29.7 x 42.0 cm0.297 x 0.420 m
A4210000 x 297000 μm210 x 297 mm21.0 x 29.7 cm0.210 x 0.297 m
A5148000 x 210000 μm148 x 210 mm14.8 x 21.0 cm0.148 x 0.210 m
A6105000 x 148000 μm105 x 148 mm10.5 x 14.8 cm0.105 x 0.148 m
A774000 x 105000 μm74 x 105 mm7.4 x 10.5 cm0.074 x 0.105 m
A852000 x 74000 μm52 x 74 mm5.2 x 7.4 cm0.052 x 0.074 m
A937000 x 52000 μm37 x 52 mm3.7 x 5.2 cm0.037 x 0.052 m
A1026000 x 37000 μm26 x 37 mm2.6 x 3.7 cm0.026 x 0.037 m

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A Paper Sizes in Yards, Feet, Inches and Thou

This table gives width x height for A series paper sizes in Imperial and US Customary units thou, inches, feet and yards in portrait orientation.

4A066220 x 93622 th66.220 x 93.622 in5.518 x 7.802 ft1.839 x 2.601 yd
2A046811 x 66220 th46.811 x 66.220 in3.901 x 5.518 ft1.300 x 1.839 yd
A033110 x 46811 th33.110 x 46.811 in2.759 x 3.901 ft0.920 x 1.300 yd
A123388 x 33110 th23.388 x 33.110 in1.949 x 2.759 ft0.650 x 0.920 yd
A216535 x 23388 th16.535 x 23.388 in1.378 x 1.949 ft0.459 x 0.650 yd
A311693 x 16535 th11.693 x 16.535 in0.974 x 1.378 ft0.325 x 0.459 yd
A48268 x 11693 th8.268 x 11.693 in0.689 x 0.974 ft0.230 x 0.325 yd
A55827 x 8268 th5.827 x 8.268 in0.486 x 0.689 ft0.162 x 0.230 yd
A64134 x 5827 th4.134 x 5.827 in0.344 x 0.486 ft0.115 x 0.162 yd
A72913 x 4134 th2.913 x 4.134 in0.243 x 0.344 ft0.081 x 0.115 yd
A82047 x 2913 th2.047 x 2.913 in0.171 x 0.243 ft0.057 x 0.081 yd
A91457 x 2047 th1.457 x 2.047 in0.121 x 0.171 ft0.040 x 0.057 yd
A101024 x 1457 th1.024 x 1.457 in0.085 x 0.121 ft0.028 x 0.040 yd

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A Paper Sizes in Points, Pica and HPGL Units

This table gives width x height for A series paper sizes in typography and plotter units; pica, point and HPGL units in portrait orientation.

4A0397.3 x 561.74768 x 674167280 x 95120
2A0280.9 x 397.33370 x 476847560 x 67280
A0198.7 x 280.92384 x 337033640 x 47560
A1140.3 x 198.71684 x 238423760 x 33640
A299.2 x 140.31191 x 168416800 x 23760
A370.2 x 99.2842 x 119111880 x 16800
A449.6 x 70.2595 x 8428400 x 11880
A535.0 x 49.6420 x 5955920 x 8400
A624.8 x 35.0298 x 4204200 x 5920
A717.5 x 24.8210 x 2982960 x 4200
A812.3 x 17.5147 x 2102080 x 2960
A98.7 x 12.3105 x 1471480 x 2080
A106.1 x 8.774 x 1051040 x 1480

Our table has used the modern desktop publishing pica and point sizes (1/6th of an inch and 1/72nd of an inch respectively). Click the following links for further background information on the pica, point and A paper sizes in pixels.

HPGL units are length units from Hewlett Packard's printer control language used by printers and plotters. 40 HPGL units = 1 mm and 1016 HPGL units is 1 inch, making the HPGL unit effectively a metric thou.

Please click here to suggest additional units.

Other Sizes